Saturday 4 May 2013

We take all sorts here

Slightly confused after woman who loves the Spanish Strawberries that we sell says that she keeps the empty boxes for the Lions. Lions? Not the member of the cat family but the charity. The boxes are ideal for collections at events

Bag of All sorts is scanned. Years ago I knew a woman who claimed that she had a near death  experience. She died for a few minutes on an operating table. She had a vision of travelling up an escalator. At the top of the escalator was Bertie Basset welcoming other people . I asked what did he say " We take all sorts here"

Grumpy Scottish couple who looks as if they have been weaned on a pickle at one point he says " That's enough Rosemary". Not sure whether its a remark directed at the herb or her.

I tell a bloke that in the First World War the early British tanks were known as "Fray Bentos" for obvious reasons. Not sure how effective they were as they frequently broke down and the crew were gassed by carbon monoxide gas

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