Thursday 16 May 2013

Don't annoy a chameleon

Woman tells with obvious pride that her daughter has just won a place at a music college to study the flute. I wondered if she performs standing on one leg in the manner of the bloke out of Jethro Tull.

I am on baskets and it was unusually quiet. The people with very full trolleys cast cocker spaniel eyes at the till when I have no custom although people want a till for a quick shop with just a wire basket. I occasionally let a pensioner through with a trolley if there are only a few items in the trolley. I realise that displaying initiative in this manner is very un British.

People usually try to cram as much salad as they can into the "help your self" container". Its a veritable Vesuvius of coleslaw, mixed bean and mayo that flows over the edge. It can be very messy

I notice that the disposable nappies were on special offer at £6.66. I wonder if there are any children in the store named Damien

A man asks me to pack his bags as he lost a finger at an accident at work many years ago. The company that made wire were negligent. The union helped him to get sizable compensation. If it was not for Trade Unions where would we be.

Woman who works for a local vets. I ask her what is the most unusual pet she has worked on and she says a chameleon. They apparently go black when they get annoyed

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