Wednesday 15 May 2013

" I stand here without fear of contraception"

Dieulacres Abbey or at least the site of came into the conversation. It seems that it is not open to the public and the owners of the land do not like people around. I was told "Time Team" might do a dig but they dug the site of the Welsh border some time ago. I told the woman that I had written a piece on the Earl of Chester for the P and T

Man buys jammy dodgers and brown ale- an unusual diet

Young man who is studying to be an opera singer. He has a place at a music college. He tells me that he has quite a range and that he ;likes Bizet and wants to sing French opera. I ask him about his favourite singer. He likes Alfie Bow and I ask him whether he has heard of Dietrich Fischer Dieskau who I think the greatest interpreter of lieder around although he too had a range. Young man said he would check it out.

Situation Comedy gets talked about. I always get confused between Jimmy James and Jimmy Jewel. It was the later who worked with Hilda Baker on "Nearest and Dearest". Jewel was from Sheffield and was the cousin of Ben Warllis. In a cafe in town I had a conversation with someone who said he was Ben Warllis newsagent in Fleetwood. It seems that Jewel and Baker hated each other. I also mentioned  Les Dawson and told the joke to the customer about an impoverished childhood in Manchester with Dawson as a boy getting an empty box with the words " Action Man- the Deserter" on the side of the box. The man was a big Tommy Cooper fan

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