Monday 13 May 2013

Italian Cooking

I serve an Italian who turns out to be from Milan. I notice that he has purchased what was euphemistically called "opening medicine". Anyway it suggests to me that Italian is not all that healthy. I seem to recall that it was alleged that Italian food was the healthiest food in Europe and Finland was the unhealthiest. We may have to revise that

Woman with the badge of a deer. I think that its the White Hart and something to do with Richard II. It turned out that it was a Springbok and she was a South African. She said that she had seen Richard II in London once and the actor playing the King had berated kids for making a noise

Man tells me that his daughter is teaching English to the Uzbeks. If it continues all the locals will be fluent in Stoke dialect. The Muezzin calls "Cost kick a bow agin a wow"

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