Tuesday 21 May 2013

Barbara Cartland

I was in conversation with a reader of the Telegraph and the subject of obituaries was raised which I think the Telegraph does very well. I certainly recall the one about Barbara Cartland which I thought very funny. The libidinous Major who invited the innocent Barbara into his bedroom to show her how his revolver worked. The pink elaborate construction of tulle and taffeta and the plastered make up and the proud boast  that in 1981 becoming the Achiever of the Year by the National  Home Furnishing Association of Colorado Spring.

A woman tells me that her company that is loosing workers there were 60 last year and now down to 7 they work in construction and the market is not reviving.

Another man a postal worker tells me that every day they try to undermine the terms and conditions of the workers. The pendulum of the power of trade unions stands opposite of where it was in the 70s and the view of us both that its swung far too much the other way.

Young woman with tee shirt with picture of Lugosi as Dracula. I did the impersonation " I do not drink wine" and the man look blankly at me. I sense no humour there

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