Monday 13 May 2013

" Have they never been to Salford?"

I was talking to a Newcastle United supporter about the origin of the word " Geordie". I had heard that it dates from the time of George I when a Jacobite Rebellion took place when the House of Stuart supporters who wanted James the Old Pretender crowned King lay siege to the city. The Mayor is alleged to have said that the locals were " All for Geordie"

Chatted to a local Labour party member about class and left wing  politics. To me its a division between guacamole and mushy peas and where you lie on this continuum

Woman tells me that she likes soaps. Its years since I saw Coronation Street but at least they had funny characters. I used to know  someone who was in an early episode. He played a Tram Driver which tells you how long ago it was. Tony was in it later in the 80s when he was a solicitor. He was very funny about the other characters especially Bet Lynch as well as the accents. He thought that they were all over the place- Oldham, Leeds, Wigan, etc. Anyway I said to the woman all the people in it now are all the beautiful people. There is not a paunch, gap tooth or bosted look about any of them. " Have they never been to Salford?

Man tells me that he sold a painting to the Princess Royal and was very pleased with it. I could have met Anne at least 3 times and managed to avoid meeting her at all

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