Saturday 18 May 2013

Hab SoSlI' Quch!

I saw the new Star Trek movie in the week. I was telling a customer what a poor film it was . It was loud, the dialogue was clunky and acting leaden although Benedict Cumberbatch was the best thing in it.?
 Couple were still going to see it anyway as the husband was a Treky. I gave them a salutation in Klington- a great insult " Your mother has a smooth forehead"

I told a customer that Phoebe engages me in theological discussion on God on the way to school. I am relaxed about this although she asked if there is only one God and one Jesus why are there so many churches? A friend likened religious books such as the Bible and the Koran to a old Betamax instruction manual as some what out of date but possibly had its uses at some point in the past.

Had a discussion about Yorkshire beer- I do like Taylors of Keithley as well as Sam Smiths of Tadcaster

I think people make assumptions about supermarket staff. Some months ago a bloke made a comment about "my education had got you where you were". I did think of saying that my Fellowship of All Souls was on reflection a bad thing. There are many interesting people that I work with including a bloke who used to be in the Merchant Navy and was a radio officer on ships going to Vietnam during the war.

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