Wednesday 22 May 2013

" I'm only a common old working chap"

Bloke at the till with fine Tam , It turned out to be from the Douglas Clan and he was not a Scot. I asked him whether he was a fan of Harry Lauder. He thought that Lauder would be before my time which indeed is but as I always say I know that I know that the Battle of Hastings was in 1066 without being there.

I gave a woman a little advice on Arabic. I always thought that Imshi was a good phrase to have particularly if you are wandering around a Souk. I found it can be hard work wandering around an Arab market. The Arab shop keeper I spoke to in Tunis always prefered the Germans who tended to give in easily which does not sound very German.

A woman who heard my discourse on Arabic thought that I wasted on the till. She asked whether I knew any Cuban Spanish. She was going to the island as she did Cuban History and wanted to tred in the steps of Fidel.

Woman buys One Direction swap cards-- the horror.. the horror

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