Tuesday 7 May 2013

Casting the Runes

Bill came to 19.73 are the 70s I say Sweet, Bowie, Roxy Music I say to the customer. We ought to have a Glam Rock revival. Customer wants to know where to get the glitter and spandex.

From Statins to arthritis  the Express must have a young readership

Bloke with Belgian Band tee shirt and who lived in Antwerp which in my opinion has much to commend it. I particularly recall the Railway station. I did say to couple that the inventor of the Saxophone Adolph Saxe  was from Belguim

Woman with tatoo which I originally thought was Celtic but its a Saxon Rune. Runes were an interest so I will be careful not to upset her.

I tell Dave Allen joke to couple about Irishmen running a pub that is failing " I am going to run a brothel", he say. Other man we are not selling any beer what makes you think that we will sell any broth?"

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