Friday 24 May 2013

The wind and the sun

I had a very abrasive woman at the till who was ordering me around as if I was a serf. generally and I realise that there is an element of generalisation about this the most up tight lot are those from the south of England. As a rule of thumb the most chatty are the furthest north and south of the London area. I was chatting to an elderly woman who used to work in a shop in Kent who rather confirmed my view.

I later told a woman the Aesop Fable of the Wind and the Sun. In my experience you get the best out of people by simple things like eye contact, a smile and engaging in pleasantries. I don't think its a hard trick to master

Woman from Hull. I once saw an article in a Manchester magazine about a Zombie film that had as a strap line when Hell is full than zombies will stalk the earth. Someone in the East Yorkshire place had substituted a U for an E in Hell. A friend told me that he had never seen poverty in the way that he saw poverty in Hull.

It was raining today and I was moved to burst into the song from Annie "The sun will come out tomorrow"

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