Saturday 19 October 2013

Mrs Slocombe and Captain Peacock

Talking to a shopper about the need for a National Rationalist Day just to counter Halloween. I think it would be a good idea

The woman gave me £120 for her shopping. I asked her whether she wanted it on the black. It was an attempt at a joke that foundered

Spoke to woman about Academies in Stoke. She had no issues about it although the same company are running another school in the City. We chatted about the new Shadow Education Secretary. The woman was not impressed at the wobble that he has shown over Free Schools.

I wonder why the shape of Mateus bottles?. I recall having to draw the shape of the bottle for an art class. Given my daughters current issues with the school, I reflect on the cynical so and so Art teacher at Carmount  Richardson who screwed up my drawing when I was 11 and threw into a bin to the amusement of the other kids. Fortunately the buffoon did not destroy my interest in Art

I witnessed a domestic tiff in front of my till. There is some muttering and hissed comment over alleged unwarranted purchases in this case washing capsules. I was with the man as the woman seemed to be in advanced faffing mode I recall a similar annoyance between a couple in Northallerton one New Years Eve in the 90s at a B and B. The woman I was with thought that they looked like Mrs Slocombe and Captain Peacock.

I mention a relative who had been stung and someone had helped themselves to the account in West Africa. The woman I had spoke had something similar happen to her father whose account was accessed by people in Albania.

I mention to a woman the story I intend to write about the young Polish Jewish woman who was found murdered near Cheadle in 1944. The murder was unsolved. The shopper thought it an interesting and worthy project

 Man buys a lot of water-16 flagons of the stuff. It’s a long story but it’s about a borehole at a new house in the hills that has not been passed fit for human consumption and there are guests expected over the weekend.

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