Tuesday 8 October 2013

Grand Theft Otto

It’s started with vouchers encouraging people to spend more and more with Xmas 10 weeks away. Women I served was highly dubious and not interested. We will have to work on her. I am sure that there are shoppers who will probably knocking on the door on Xmas Day in a warp frenzy of consumerism

They were playing Autumn Almanac over the system. I am sure when Ray Davies penned this back in the 60s it was the aim to have it played over supermarket sound systems although on second thoughts there is a reference to roast beef so bigger queues at the butchers

Woman asks me about “ Grand Auto Theft”. I am the last person to ask. Ask me about the Central Powers and  Grand Otto Theft I would be OK. This video game involves you drinking a lot of port, reading memorandums and settling the Schweslig Holstein Question

Coffee bought lots an awful lot of Coffee in Brazil and also now in Northwich. There seems to be a shortage

Woman buys a lot of Disney DVD. My favourite film being 101 Dalmatians. I really like the illustrations

Woman badly spattered with paint buys lot of beer for helpers. I think she got the idea from Shawshank Redemption

Woman buys book “ Sunshine over the Mersey”. I have never seen it. Sunshine that is

Sharon’s Dad came past. It will 3 years since she died of Bird Flu on New Years Day. She worked here. Lovely personality and full of fun I always seemed to meet her in the Laundrette in Picton Street. Her Dad shook my hand for remembering her

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