Thursday 10 October 2013

Cockneys v Zombies

I meet an elderly gent who was buying heather. He probably be fined if he took in from Morridge. It seems to be the case that he would if he nicked Spagnum Moss.

Man from Cromer. I told him that I met this very old chap who was Deputy Town Clerk aged 16 in 1917. He saw 80 ships in the harbour one day during FWW.

We spoke about Henry Blogg who has a statue in Cromer. A cox of the lifeboat who saved over 200 lives and won the George Medal twice. A great Englishman who deserves to be better known.

“That’s shallot” as the last item is scanned. Missed my comment but raved about the humble vegetable

I think that the man’s accent is Scouse but he is a Manc. Wars have been started for less

Woman buys “Cockneys v Zombies”. I thought that the words are inter changeable. Read somewhere that teens in East Ham had only 600 words in use. If true there are intelligent chimps that could probably match them

 Bill comes to 18.40 couple ask what happened in 1840? The disgraceful Opium war when we went to war with China over drugs they did not want

Man buys Cider only and lots of it. He does not appear very healthy. I often get alcoholics who come into the store very early. Their pallor is usually awful

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