Sunday 20 October 2013

Lithuanians and Latts do it

I always bridle at people who say that I look bored. I am never bored because I can use my imagination. Bloke came up to the till and said that to me. I don’t think there is any malice involved. Anyway I say “Actually I am in Bermuda on the beach enjoying a pina colada would you like to join me” He laughs. Works every time.

Nice chat about birding with woman. Migration time and she has seen lots of birds arriving  ( Perhaps best not to tell the Tories ). I used to do some voluntary work with the RSPB at Titchwell on the Norfolk coast. There is a technique for counting the mass numbers of waders which I have forgotten. Still there was the Italian I worked with nice lad but a little mad who mistook a black bin liner for a rare bird. He also fell into the marsh and before he sank was careful to throw his fags onto a dry bank. He had his priorities

We were selling Port by the box. I feel it should have the warning “could cause gout” on the package.

Man who has a son in his 30s who is living with his parents. The father complained that he was getting up late and  from what he had to say his son behaves like a teenager, he is noisy. The son cannot afford to get on the property ladder. It must be a trial for all concerned. The older man did not look very happy.

The Latvian who I have struck up something of a friendship. She is a Russian from somewhere in the Urals and moved to the Baltic State when she was young. The Russian she says are having it difficult since independence from the majority Lats.

Woman complaining about the latest price hike in energy costs. I sometimes feel that we should take a leaf out of how people in the 18th century with the Food Riot. There was a particularly intense one in the 1760s in and around Burslem. It usually worked as bread prices were regulated following such incidents. Hobsbawm the Marxist Historian used to refer to these as examples of “collective bargaining by riot” better than wearing a jumper methinks

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