Friday 4 October 2013

Mork and Mindy

Spoke to woman from Colorado in Leek visiting family. She was from the same town as Mork and Mindy was filmed

Suggesting to a 30 something old woman that the Telegraph was an age restricted product and that she had to be 60 before she could buy it

Spoke to bloke who talks to me about bands. I saw Frank Zappa's albums in Leek Oxfam including " Weasel's ripped my flesh". Hoxton came into the conversation and I mentioned the Krays

At work bill came to 16.88. "A good year" man says. I say" Year of Glorious Revolution, for some". " We need a revolution now", he says. " Bring back Oliver Cromwell". I point out that he banned Christmas. "True, but no mosques". he moved on but I should have said that Old Nolly was liberal on the question of Jews. 

Adrian Street the wrestler I was told "looked like a combination of Emma Bunton and a welsh coal miner"

Listening to a quartet in the store cafĂ©  worried about "them" and discussing the fact that Leek is the third "whitest" place in the UK. One woman opines the coldness of the Moorlands might keep " them" away. The group give off a collective shudder at the prospect of " them" at the gates

Spoke to work colleague who says that if anyone had told him a decade ago that he needed two jobs to survive he would have laughed

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