Wednesday 9 October 2013

Like a night out in Sheffield

A Dante conversation woman says that she has Abandon hope above kitchen door. Divine Comedy being medieval is not keen on Mohammed

Have nice chat with woman on Shakespeare sonnets. Mine 29 "sweet remembered such wealth brings, I scorn to change my state with Kings"

Man sings Annie's Song. Know version which has the line " fill up me senses like a night out in Sheffield"- reference to chippy butty

Heard a JSA claimant in his 60s was suggested a job as a E bay trader by adviser- one problem he does not know how to use or own computer

. Man feels he's fighting Capitalism by buying dip at 17p." Feel I'm giving it to the man" If only Marx had deli section in Das Kapital

Discuss herring gutting with elderly man who tells me Jewish jokes, I tell him the beach, wave and Jewish hat joke- he likes

Teacher retires after 45 years. Told me that he gave lift to Rhodes Boyson of mutton chopped whiskers, flog em views and Lanky accent

Diane Abbott gone, thank God, smirking at Savile on clip of HIGNFY and saw her Regent St shopping during TUC demo last year- Never did trust her judgement

Mate sent me text that a fellow student on his IT course in Wolverhampton is a Tennessee Williams Byte of the Iguana is suggested

Publican Dave with large fish. Believe he is organising Mafia hit

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