Saturday 22 June 2013

O death where is thy sting

Customer who buys Sentinel. He does not know why as it is very poor "value for money" on Saturdays with the pull out sections reduced to a few page inserts. I tell him that many of the articles are given freely and its an example of the "something for nothing" culture that for once is not attached to benefit claimants.

Glasgow chap intrigued that the new President of Iran lived in Glasgow in the 70s. We wondered if he had a "stoner" a deep fried kebab which incidently the local dialect word for an erection.

Scots woman from Caithness is voting no in the referendum or would if she was not living in Leek.

Woman enthuses about a holiday of a life time in China and lived a trip on the Yangtze " Yangtze O Yangtze O river of fish".

Discussed WC Fields and the story of man who died in a vat of whisky " O death where is they sting" Fields is supposed to have said.

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