Wednesday 5 June 2013

And I remember Spain

I talk to a man about the type of customers I deal with. My favourite types are elderly couples usually from up country and probably isolated. They tend to be Telegraph readers and possibly socially isolated. They shop in the middle of the week and enjoy a chat. The worst tend to be woman in their 40s, professional and Guardian readers who are busy, too busy for you and regard you as insignificant.

Just to prove my point I accidentally double swipe a bottle of champagne and the woman asks me to apologies for wasting her time. Its not helped because we have new security tags and we are not told how to take them off. I am annoyed that she takes this attitude and ignore her.

The Daily Express has yet another article on health it really is a very poor excuse for a newspaper/

We talk about automation and work given my experience with the woman with champagne I feel we ought to have Daleks to exterminate the more truculent customers.

A pleasant woman tells me that she is off to Spain with the kids. I really liked Seville when I was there once. I thought the modern buildings by the river were very interesting and the cathedral- a former mosque- spell binding. A work colleague knew the area of Spain she was going to and they had a good chin wag

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