Thursday 26 September 2013

Psst wanna buy any nylons?

Woman wears rather attractive tee shirt showing Swallows. I asked her whether she had a particular interest in birds. “Not really”

Woman tells me that she is not used to opening her purse  much. I wondered if a moth might fly out.

Bill comes to 10.66 and I ask the small boy what happened in 1066. The answer was unexpected- the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

Wonder the boy knew about the Viking who held the bridge until a Saxon pushed a spear through the planks- they don’t like it up em

Chat about marvellous Northern Soul prog and man telling me that his favourite was Arthea Franklin.

Councillor tells me about the latest shenanigans involving the Council and the roads.

 Rude German woman wants me to hurry up and I stop myself from using the word “Blitzkrieg”- its close though.

I swipe the first Stollen of the season.

Man wants to drink Drambuie on top of the Roaches after climbing. I am sure the ghost of Don Whillans would have approved

Handing out school tokens, as we are on a Dad’s Army theme, casts me in the light of Walker “Psst want to buy some nylons?”

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