Wednesday 25 September 2013

LSD and Vampires

A customer recounted her experience on LSD. A tune in drop out although in this case he thought she had turned into a vampire. I used to work with someone who used to drop a tab of acid whilst in the Chiselhurst Caves- a favourite mod hangout in the 60s. He spent hours looking at an orange.

At work yesterday spoke to woman from Montreal. Other woman further down the line misheard " Did she say that she was a Comedian" "No", I responded " a Canadian"

Seems Bin Laden stopped by cops for speeding in Pakistan. I suspect those videos he watched as shot by Navy Seals were old "Top Gear" progs.

At work woman said that she could not get her Lemon Tree to produce fruit. I suggested she play Music to them as suggested by the Prince of Wales. I gather Bach works well on trees.

Told Ann Charlesworth at work  the following anecdote which I read in the Michael Sandel book on " Justice" on the folly of utilitarianism and cost benefit analysis. In the 70s there were complaints that men were staying overnight at St Anne's College, Oxford. The traditionalists were appalled and decided to apply a charge after carrying out a cost/ benefit analysis of the impact of having males staying at the College. They decided to charge men 50p per night with the maximum of 3 nights stay. The Guardian heard about this and ran the headline ST ANNE'S GIRLS 50P A NIGHT!!

Sold a Goblin suet meat pudding which now comes in plastic not in the tin that you used to punch at the top otherwise the thing tended to explode as it was boiled. I wonder what the casualty rate was from the exploding ordinace as metal, suet and hot gravy flew around the kitchen? There might be a monument at the Arboretum for the fallen victims of the Goblin. 

Just a though.

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