Wednesday 25 September 2013

Anglo Hungarian Phrase Book

Discussion on Vegemite an Australian at the till swears by it. I am not so sure.

Woman with Waitrose bag putting all our own brand stuff in the bag. I wonder who she is trying to kid?

Couple who have been Veggies for 40 years. Things are better now in terms of choice pretty dire in the 80s esp around here.

Hungarian woman absolutely charming and a change from all the glum Poles that come past me.

Hungarian told me the word for “thank you sounded like “cusinnog.

On reflection it might be a case of the English/ Hungarian phrase book in reverse.

Man tells me about work in Call Centre on the whole I prefer to work on a till.

Woman buys loaves and fishes- as a trick it’s been done before.

Bloke with Norwegian tee shirt. I try Snakker di Norsk? He does- enjoyable chat

The till breaks down a combination of spilled soda and flour. I am all white a bit like the ghost in L and H short.

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