Friday 26 April 2013

Sweet Fanny Adams

It is curious what some people say. This morning I chat with someone who likes to do puzzles because he believes that they ward of dementia. he cites the case of a neighbour who developed Alzheimer's by going to Scarborough at least that's what he told me. A sad tale he told me that the man mistook his reflection in the mirror for a stranger.

Woman buys rolling pin- the favoured side arm of the domineering wife in 60s sit com as played by Peggy Mount. I mention this to woman. "My husband knows who does the discipline in our house" , she says " Too much information, I feel

Man from Preston. I used to know someone from Preston who used the word "not" in sentences when he was posing a question. "Do you not want a pint", "Is Les not in", Are you not going into town", etc. The man from Preston confirms that it is a Preston thing which answers something that has been bugging me for ages.

Couple from Alton. I asked them is that where Sweet Fanny Adams was from. Its the name of a child that was murdered in the 19th century particularly brutally. Sailors from nearby Portsmouth took up the refrain of " Sweet Fanny Adams" and the thing has just stuck