Sunday 28 April 2013

Charlie calls by- again

A surreal night

It started when the bloke wearing a tee shirt that had a picture of a giraffe wearing a suit came by. It was the night of the strange tee shirt. He was followed later by the man with the migraine inducing one and later by the woman with the imagining of hell by Bosch.

"Being dumped turned me into a woman" so read a headline in a magazine there were others depicting the life  of some of the more dysfunctional families in the UK. Still a long way from the headline " Woman gives birth to seven pound trout" which graced the headlines of one American magazine

Being known as the person who does the ghost walk around the town leads to people telling me ghost stories. I had two last night. man tells me of a ghost he saw whilst he was driving towards Buxton on the moorland road. The rider dressed in archaic clothing- he was wearing a cloak and a stove pipe hat- turned left up a bridal path and disappeared up the lane immediately afterwards. The man later found a book in which the story of the ghost rider appeared .. Later a woman told me of the ghostly car a white mini that was seen on the same stretch of road. The driver she told me was killed in a crash some time in the 1960s.

Then there were the mozzarella cheese's lots of them at 9p each in their own little transparent cases and filled with fluid looking like some alien about to be born. The woman who bought them agreed that it might be a case for Mulder and Scully

Shortly before we closed a heavily bearded man with his girlfriend came to the till. He was joking with her. The man had a ID badge which he hid from me but I saw that he looked a bit wild in the ID photo. " Anyone ever told  you that you look like Charlie Manson", I helpfully advised. I told him to avoid the knives section. He was enjoying it and joined in saying that he was out on day release. ( The following day I saw him at the woodland festival at Ilam, he was fiddling with an axe)

A farmer's wife was next and she asked who Charlie Manson was. I told her and she asked for an escort to her car

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